Saturday, 6 December 2008


Today is the Independence Day of Finland and it's also nice crispy weather and of course everybody has a day off. That little Swedish girl in that card by Jenny Nyström, is obviously giving us flowers beacause of our big day

I've had a slowly morning and I'm looking forward to night when the President starts the celebrations (on TV) and I'm having cake and salty pie with friends. Then we watch the ceremonies from telly and estimate the dressing of the guests of honor (allways joking weather next year we will be invited).

Actually this fall someone (= criminal genius) sent false invites to the Presidets Independence Day festivities. I was naturally quite evil, but I cannot help grinning thinking of the poor people who actually were exited for a while about the invite... And how would you know it's a false invite if you never ever have seen the real one?

Today is a big day otherwise too, because I've changed the title for a winter version. I hope that the wintery weather stays. And for the last here is a comic about those weird little creatures featuring on the title:The comic is about a lonely imaginary friend, but with a happy ending ;)

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