I also made some miniatures last night. Wanna see? Jeee! So I was in a mood for christmas baking... for my doll house! Christmas pudding (that we actually don't eat in Finland), gingerbread and other pastry. One candle and a jack-in-a-box:
I made the food from Fimo and I used cardboard for the box of the jack-in-a-box. It has a real spring from an old pen.
Ui miten sympaattinen kynttilä!
OMG! I love the Jack-in-a-box! Does it really jump from the box? That would be cool, but pretty hard to accomplish.
Here's a challenge for you: Enkelikello. That would be amazing in miniature size. Well, most things are amazing in a miniature size, so there's no point in me babbling here... I just shut up and go back to work! :D
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