Today I was a busy bee. I have changed three pieces from my wardrobe to better fit for my body. I have a habit of buying clothes that have "potential". Potential clothes mean that before I can actually wear those I have to sew couple of hours (after planning and making patterns) ;) This is of course fun for me, but I tend to pile up a really long queue towards my sewing machine. (Don't worry, I still have arms attached to me. I only wanted to show how insanely wide the sleeves were by holding them up!)

This indian cotton dress was a good color, obviously vintage and mmm, soft, I had no choise but to buy it for 2 euros at flea market. It didn't fit at all as you can see for yourself, but after altering it (below) it's quite nice if I say so myself.

I attached a piece of lace from the dress to the neck of the tunic. I think it's pretty too.

Then there are these linen (unironed) shorts that look like jeans if you look closer. I bought them to be my lazy shorts from Lindex from the last summer sale. They were too long and didn't flatter me at all! But today this changed in form of cutting the leg off about 25 cm. (As you all can see from my pose, I'm pretty sure I will be the next top model)

Then for last this vintage dress I love and never wear. I've bouht this from flea market at least 6 years ago. Every time I clean my wardrobe I look it like "you should go because I never wear you". That's why I'm especially ecxited about this one. I finally had the guts to shorten it. Now I can use it with jeans. I also made a little bag from the hem.

Here is the close up from the fabric. Isn't it awesome? Commas!

Now I'm going to let the appartment look like hurricane Clothes and Fabrics has hit it and go to livingroom sofa and enjoy candies (liquorice) and digest the tuna pizza I just ate. My favourite TV program "Monk" starts after some nature programmes that I like too.
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