Wednesday, 5 August 2009

All work, no play, makes Jack a dull boy

Something about that statement makes me smile?
It also remains me that alltough work has started...Must remember to play too!

I've knitted these little black socks for my friend's little boy (he is 4 weeks "old"). I made the lightnings (they are felted wool) because they look cool and the socks will be a great pair with his Kiss-body :)

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

The end of holiday season is the beginning of s-g else

@ The Tower
@ The Madame Tussaud's

I'm so exited about my summer activities. I went to Madeira and London. Many, many happy memories and new ideas in my head! I'm ready to look forward to the autumn - my favourite season of all! (the wonderfull picture is Yoshimoto Nara's "Do not disturb")
I have plans to read many books and make some miniature thigs, both inspired by my travels. You'll see ;)