Tilda-nukke, joka sai jo oman kodin FB.n loistavan nukkekotikirppisryhmän kautta. Hinnaksi tuli lopulta 10 euroa.
Perhostaulu, joka sai jo oman kodin FB.n loistavan nukkekotikirppisryhmän kautta. Hinnaksi tuli lopulta 6 euroa.
Uusin kokeiluni perhosvitriinien saralla: Soikea malli! Muoto viehättää minua ja aion tehdä näitä lisää. Vitriinin syvyys on noin puoli senttiä ja siinä "lasi" muovikalvosta. Perhonen on hyvin harvinainen, harmi, että nimiteksti on niin pienellä, ettei voi olla aivan varma nimestä ;)
Omatekemä Tilda-nukke
Leikkisä by Luru
Monday, 8 October 2012
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Butterfly and honeycomb-patchwork
Lately I've been on an astonishingly romantic mood, when making miniatures. I don't have a romantic gottage yet, so I had to modify my Dicken's inspirated dark upstears (temporarily) room to get a background for my sugary-sweet-romantic things! I've made everything, but the beautifully crocheted rug and doily. They are the handworks of talented Tiina. From her blog I got the idea to start sewing that honeycomb-patchwork. It was a good size handwork to carry around when travelling! PS: The miniature butterfly on the wall has "horns" made of thread.
Btw. I DID read the "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" by Dicken's to get the inspiration to make this room ready as I planned before, but I just kept dreaming of pale pink and butterflies. Maybe I have to wait to the end of the autumn to get the right gloomy feeling ;)? Also I connect Dickens with Christmas in my head, so maybe there will be an endless Christmas in this room? I have to admit, that when I got this idea, I almost bought a nail jewelry kit to make some Christmas tree bulbs! Shop-a-holic!
Btw. I DID read the "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" by Dicken's to get the inspiration to make this room ready as I planned before, but I just kept dreaming of pale pink and butterflies. Maybe I have to wait to the end of the autumn to get the right gloomy feeling ;)? Also I connect Dickens with Christmas in my head, so maybe there will be an endless Christmas in this room? I have to admit, that when I got this idea, I almost bought a nail jewelry kit to make some Christmas tree bulbs! Shop-a-holic!
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Small sized hobby of mine
I've had a dream about a small dolls house in my mind about 2 years now. I've searched the net and found amazingly realistic dolls houses and decided I would want to try my skills to do that too. I did built a big, three and half storey, plywooden dolls house (on my own design) about 6 years ago, but realised that I don't have the consentration needed for doing something like 100 windows that are the same! I want to do one or two things and then change to something else. So I was really happy when I found this from flea market last month:
Sunday, 25 September 2011
When baby is awake - the blog sleeps
There has been a long silence here. But I hope my doughter (7,5 months old now) will soon sleep better so mama can attend to her hobbies more :)
The decorations I mentioned on that last post are mostly ready. New curtains and especially the fabric on the wall in our bed room are a small success.
Monday, 18 October 2010
New interior ideas
If I would make an interior magazine, it would have to be called: Slowly but Surely. It would be a small, sympathetic number, with lots of unfinished rooms. I ask you: Who ever got the idea that interiors of homes should look like a modern art museum where nobody actually lives?
I've been so sleepy and tired the whole summer and autumn - the reason is our upcoming baby, so it's kind of OK. Although it would be nice to get more done at the home. ( So many ideas - so few of them ready!) But small things make a difference: For example this lantern and lights make me happy (more so because I have to get to the bathroom at nights and it lights my way there)
Then I got my great grandmother's old chest delivered from my home town to Mikkeli. It's from 1920's and needs a bit of loving restoring. Well, there is no hurry with the restoring, because the thing is already on use in our living room. The space above it is looking really empty and I'm planning a big, colorful, textile board on the wall. (The fabric I've bought for it, is on the chest there).
A close up of one of the wood carvings from the chest:
Then the next big thing: A challenge! A possibility! The room that is to be 50% home office and 50% baby's room... At the moment the room contains just all our junk that has no other, better place yet (We have been living here only for 1 year - for heaven's sake!) And all the baby's stuff we'we acquired. Well as usual - I'm planning something really useful....
Instead of worrying the boring stuff (like the baby caring unit, that I let the father of the baby to get) I'm planning to paint a funny big tree on that blank wall (picture above). White walls are not my thing and this, for me, will make a huge difference on this room.
I've found many different tree silhouettes, but this one, I think, is the best:

I'ts a decorative sticker from Djeco. I might just buy the tree, but it's way too small.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Complementary colours

Monday, 24 May 2010
Painted Sofa
The sofa-project is ready
Sofa isn't the original design I was thinking (look at the older post). And lucky it wasn't, because this easy-lookin pattern was suprisingly hard to do! I painted it twice with acrylic paint and then I made the mattress from old textiles I wasn't going to use anymore (like felted wool gardigan, old towels, a stained and really old bedspread...) I'm always really happy when something garbage-like thing can be re-used!! The striped fabric was just waiting in my fabric stash (it is wast)... And the pillows I found really cheaply from work, when we had closing-down sale of Esprit Home. The dog tried to eat the buttons that I made for the mattress :)
Before the hall was so lame
Sofa isn't the original design I was thinking (look at the older post). And lucky it wasn't, because this easy-lookin pattern was suprisingly hard to do! I painted it twice with acrylic paint and then I made the mattress from old textiles I wasn't going to use anymore (like felted wool gardigan, old towels, a stained and really old bedspread...) I'm always really happy when something garbage-like thing can be re-used!! The striped fabric was just waiting in my fabric stash (it is wast)... And the pillows I found really cheaply from work, when we had closing-down sale of Esprit Home. The dog tried to eat the buttons that I made for the mattress :)
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